Monday, May 13, 2013

Confessionally Reformed Orthodox Christianity using the Westminster Standards and the Three Forms of Unity

Official King James Bible Online (includes audio Bible)
 Bible Hub 
Bible Hub Mobile Website
Blue Letter Bible (used by the National Bible Bee)
Blue Letter Bible Mobile Website
Bible Tool 
Christian Classics Ethereal Library Study Bible (choose a Bible translation and choose a Commentary to view side by side)
CrossWire Bible Society Software (Sword Project) downloadable software
E-Sword (downloadable software)
ESV Bible (including audio)
King James Bible with translators' notes (modernized spelling)
"King James Dictionary" online dictionary that defines the words in the King James Bible that are now obsolete or have had their meanings changed 
Archaic or Obscure King James Bible era (Middle English) words explained
Online Bible (downloadable software)
Bible Reading Plans

Bible Reading Plans (from Ligonier Ministries)

Larger Catechism with Scripture proofs (choose your Bible translation using "Scripture settings" above; 20 questions per screen (.html)

"Harmony of the Westminster Standards" (including the Westminster Confession of Faith, the Westminster Larger Catechism, and the Westminster Shorter Catechism, in three columns, complete with Scripture references.) Note: This includes additions by the Bible Presbyterian Church which holds to a Pre-Millennial Eschatology (.pdf file) 

The 1788 American Revision of the Westminster Standards compiled by Lee Irons